Saturday, May 20, 2017

Peach Rose

We have had a lot of nice days for plein air painting. Last Thursday I went out with Jessica to paint in the Bentonsport rose garden. Two paintings, one a keeper the other not. It is easy to blame the painting panel; this one started with a orange pink ground on a canvas panel. The other was a white gessoed hardboard panel painted with a ground that seemed to soak up the paint. I could not get the value range I wanted or maybe it was me overworking the painting.
9" x 12" oil on canvas panel - sold


  1. How beautiful!!! Love the peachy colours!!

    1. Thanks for commenting. That color is what attracted me to this scene.

  2. The way you treated the foliage and mulch around it is nice too. It supports the reds and oranges well.

    1. Thanks, Mulch does seem to lend itself to abstraction and subdued colors.

  3. This is just really lovely, Carlene. Nice job on form and depth of field.
