Thursday, April 28, 2016

Runoff Stream

I wanted to paint this from the bank but could not find a trail down. The challenge of painting this perspective was appealing. 
6" x 12" oil on panel

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Lake Geode Nesting Area

Went out painting in Lake Geode. After I was set up I heard a lot of Canadian Geese flying above and squawking. I think I was fairly  close to where they were nesting. All around me was tall grass and I could see a wing pop up ever so often. I was told it is not a good idea to get too close as I see utube videos of geese chasing people.
11" x 14" oil on canvas

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Clouds over the Mississippi

The painting on my previous post reminded viewers of the airdance or tube man. I wonder if there is anything in the clouds here that looks like something. Maybe I should have painted something in. 

It was a great day to paint clouds if you can paint fast or at least have a good visual memory. Jessica joined me at Riverview Park and painted a nice view of the distant shore. 
8" x 6" oil on panel

I had time to try again this time graying the various shorelines to give that feeling of depth.
10" x 8" oil on panel

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Geode Stream

Got out a little today. I did not really want to put in the tree on the left, mainly because I had to make that bare tree stand out against the distant tree line but, I felt that the composition needed it 
This is one of the streams that feed into Lake Geode. One winter, years ago my sister and I went ice skating on this stream and onto the lake. Several of the ice fishermen warned us about thin ice. We figured if they were on it we could be too. I often read on Facebook remarks about the dangerous things we did as kids that didn't kill us. 
12" x 9" oil on Raymar panel

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Early Spring

It is that time of year when the grass starts to turn green but the trees are still bare. 
8" x 8" oil on canvas

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Puddle in the Park

Jessica and I went to Rodeo after the rain. This was a good opportunity to paint puddles and also work on those "naked trees" as Jessica calls them. It took me a while to figure out the obvious, that a puddle is simply a small lake and an edge is just a bank. That took away the that fear where I freeze up and paint small tight details. Still do that on those trees.
8" x 10" oil on canvas