Monday, February 25, 2019

Trail to the River Bank

Painting snow until Spring. From photo references
9" x 12" oil on panel

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Another view from the Bridge

Love painting "white snow".  
photo reference. 12" x 9" oil on panel

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Up Close

Working on larger than life. 
12" x 12" oil on cradled panel

Monday, February 18, 2019

White on White Almost

I pulled several reference photos together to create this scene. I originally intended to have three white cattle but felt I could not pull if off, so I changed one to a hereford. 
12" x 9" oil om panel

Thursday, February 14, 2019

snow on the banks

Another try at painting from photos. Plein air painting is the better but, when I see the Facebook posts of cars in the ditch I chicken out. To make up for that I try a composition that is challenging for me. This one will sit on my wall for me to think about it.
14" x 11" oil on panel 

Saturday, February 9, 2019


The Iowa Watercolor Society show is at the local art center in Fort Madison, Iowa for the month. I am posting some watercolors starting with one from 2006. I started with painting watercolors and it has been a great learning experience. 

Watercolor on 140 lb. paper

watercolor on gessoed board.

watercolor on 140 lb. paper from 2014

Monday, February 4, 2019

winter scenes

Plein air painting snow is worth putting up with the cold. 
12" x 9" oil on birch panel

Painting the white with lots of color
10" x 8" watercolor on 140 lb. paper

Some days were too cold to stand outside so a great view from my window works.
watercolor on 140 lb. paper

Another view from my window.
6" x 12" watercolor on 140 lb. paper