Thursday, February 15, 2018

Plein air at Martin Pond

I had managed three plein air paintings. 
9" x 12" oil on panel

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Painting on a Cold Day is Worth it

Barge Ties
It was a cold, windy morning yesterday. I usually start out with good intentions, but bail. Twice I left when the hardier artists braved it out to produce some wonderful plein air paintings, while I worked from photos that do not do justice to the winter scenes. This time I came prepared with insulated overalls and two sets of gloves. I stuck it out long enough to finish this scene. 
12" x 6" oil on canvas panel

When a Tree Falls in the Forest
The afternoon was better as I shed the insulated overalls and even the gloves. I took my dog Catfish along for the exercise. He found a rabbit skin left by a hunter and of course did not listen to my shouts to "drop it" and ate the whole thing. That came back up when we got home.  
12" x 6" oil on panel.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Rodeo Park After the Snow

The snow is so inspiring but the cold is discouraging. This is from a photo reference. I am watching the weather site hoping for a nice overlap of snow on the ground and warmer temperatures. I started with a still wet orange ground. It did take heavy application so of white to get the snow covered branches. It ended up being a struggle I may try to avoid in the future.
12" x 6" oil on canvas