Sunday, July 29, 2012


 I was doing great painting and posting everyday, but with all that painting it eventually comes down to framing. I just dread framing, especially cutting mats. Measure twice, cut once is not my motto as I go for get it done and out the door. I often pay for that with having to cut a second mat, upping my expenses and time. I get grumpy and my husband does not want to be around me. He does make wonderful gallery style frames for me so I am consider enough to wait until he goes to work to cut mats. I have an exhibit coming up and am forced to start framing. Most of the framing is complete so I am back to the fun part.
  I am always looking for cheap props so when my friend had a garage sale I went and found this cute little stuffed dog.
6 x 6 oil on Raymar panel.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

One Red Rose

Roses are difficult for me and this one was reworked to get what I wanted.
6 x 6 Oil on Raymar panel. $50 Click here to buy using paypal

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Maraschino Cherries

This was my entry to the Daily Paintworks challenge; paint small scale artist trading card. I had read about this format but did not know anything more. I traded this painting with Nora McPhail for a great little gazelle painting.

I have an upcoming exhibit at the Fort Madison Art Center in August. I have been posting regularly with lots of new works for the show. If I miss some days now it is because I am now busy framing. I hate cutting mats, so I will also be cussing.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Lake Martin in Shimek Forest 2

My second try at this landscape. I brushed off the first image, applied a coat of Golden Acrylic ground for pastel and started over. I added the Queen Anne's lace in the front. There was scum on the pond but I could not get it to look like that so this is it.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Lake Martin in Shimek Forest

My husband made several frames for a client to choose from. He chose one and we were left with the other two. That is why I made this pastel painting to fit the frame.
16 x 24

Friday, July 20, 2012

Horse Pasture

This is a painting in progress. The 16 x 16 size is a little intimidating to me. Working on a larger scale takes the ability to view the painting as a whole when it is right in my face and I am seeing a small section, so it will sit on the easel until I decide what to do next. I also made this harder for myself by photoshopping the elements together in this painting. I can only imagine the skill the fantasy artist have.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Swan no 5

I was trying to paint loosely with this one. At some point I had to decide to walk away. Don't be surprized if I post an update with my changes. Actually I started out trying to paint like Dreama but that went by the wayside quickly.
6 x 6 oil on Raymar panel.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hydrangea no 10

I did a little more work on this painting from a previous post. I think it is complete now.

Hannah Dives In

This is a little fun piece, 2.5 x 3.5 for the Daily Paintworks Challenge. My grandaughter jumping into the pool. In this one I used maskoid on the water drops.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Starr's Cave Creek

This is one of the few spots on the creek where you can find running water.  Usually I will try to paint alla prima but on this one I painted the water beneath the waves first. When it was dry I painted the waves and tweaked some of the rocks. This was loosely based on the photo below using a lot of creative license.
I find these reference photos inspiring but too complicated for me to follow. I just enjoy the fun of creating my own waves and details.  I just have to trust my ability to capture the feel of water and rocks. I will probably use this reference again and create a totally different painting. Around here the water is mirky. We once took a trip to the Smoky Mountains and I remember the clear water. It would be fun to paint that, maybe next time I will take more pictures.
Starr's Cave Creek after a rain.
6 x 12 oil on masonite panel

Monday, July 16, 2012

Geode Fishing Hole


I was walking the trails at Lake Geode when I tried to get a shot of a fishing boat. This was what I ended up with since the boat got away.
6 x 12 Oil on panel.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Hydrangea no 10


The hydrangeas are still blooming with a little help from me watering them. I used one of my Ball jars for this painting. Growing up we had a garden and I learned canning from my aunt Adelaide. She also liked flowers so she would still like this use.
I have been trying to find a mdf or masonite board that is formadehyde free and moisture resistant. Currently I use Ampersand hardboard panel and cut to size on a table saw. I will then coat with Golden GCA100 then 2 coats of gessoe. Sometimes a final coat of Liquitex transparent gessoe with colored acrylic added which gives a nice grainy finish that works well for my style of painting.  During my internet search I found a product called Medite II  which is formadahyde free. Does anyone use this and where can you find it.?
6 x 8 Oil on Raymar panel.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Hydrangea no 10

I don't think this is complete as it lacks something. Right now I have it sitting on an easel until I decide what it needs.
11 x 14 Oil on Ampersand panel.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

See Hannah Jump

This is just a quick painting for fun. Hannah obliged me with some action shots.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Starr's Cave Creek

I went to Starr's Cave to find flowing water and finding it is a matter of listening.  The water is low due to the drought this year and it took some walking to find this spot. Painting water is tricky for me. I posted this earlier and then made changes. What attracted me to this scene was the spot of sunlight on the foreground water. I just hope that shows as such on the final painting. The rock on the left foreground also had moss on it, which makes for extra color, but a challenge to paint it to read as such.
6 x 8 Oil on Raymar panel

Monday, July 9, 2012

Blue Skies and White Clouds

I always keep a camera in my car. This is a scene that I had to photograph. The sky was so blue and the clouds so white.
6 x 6

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Rose Garden

12 x 12 Oil on Ampersand Panel

Friday, July 6, 2012

Hydrangea no 6

This little vase has an opening on the side. After buying it I was not sure it would look nice with anything, but it works very well with this small bouquet and it is fun to paint the shadow.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Hydrangeas no7


My Hydrangeas are starting to die out early due to the extreme heat. I have some traditional white ones I may not have a chance to paint.

Queen Anne's Lace

Queen Anne's Lace is a wild flower that grows in meadows. This was growing on the forest edge. 
6 x 6 Oil on gessoed panel.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Scratching the Itch

In in the original photo this filly had a blue halter on probably trying to take it off.  I am now rethinking the halter it would have been a cool accent in the composition.
7.5 x 7.5 Watercolor on paper.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Birthday Cupcake

This is from a photo. I guess I am not very good at painting scenes like this from life. Too tempting.
7.5 x 7.5

Monday, July 2, 2012

Running through the wildflowers

I took pictures of these wildflowers and the horse separately. With animal pictures I have had to take what I get. One of the best things about painting is you create the scene.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Heading to the Feedlot

This is a rough in, I used turpeniod and wiped off the subject. I then took a brush with just turpeniod to further clean off the image.
I try different methods to achieve the final results. The background is madeup. My original plan was a simple green grass background.
8 x 6 Oil on Raymar panel.